No matter how you put together your Cottonelle Care Routine, when you use Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Flushable Cleansing Cloths, you'll walk away feeling fresh, clean and confident.

So, I am not completely comfortable talking about bums that is unless it is about my 4 month olds. However, Flushable Cleansing Cloths from Cottonelle are really cool. They work great. They are really soft

I don't wear makeup a lot. I remember being 11 and wishing that my parents would allow me to wear makeup. When they dropped me off at school I would go in to the bathroom and put eyeliner on. Trust me, I was not the only one.

Now that I am, gasp, 35 my mom tells me I have to wear

I know I am not the only person in the world that has a pill phobia. But even if you don't have a pill phobia, it is common for morning sickness to make it almost impossible to take pills especially in the first trimester. Because of that, many women are not able to take their prenatal vitamins.

As many of you

Are you an expecting mother? Then you are going to love this! Show and Tell Ultrasound located in San Antonio Texas offers 2d/3d/4d Ultrasound Services for expecting mommies. I would have loved to have experienced their services first had but I am not currently pregnant. However, my sister in law was happy to give them a test drive 🙂

First let me start off by

About Central Texas Mom

My goal starting Central Texas Mom was sharing what Central Texas has to offer, with the world. Providing local moms a way to learn about new business, events and eateries in the area. And also giving my family the fun opportunities to enjoy things that we wouldn't typically have the chance to enjoy. Thank you for following us though the years on our adventures and here is to many more adventures to come.

Central Texas Mom



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