Years ago I worked for a local photographer. I have always been fascinated with photography. I remember taking my first camera, one my dad bought in a kids meal for me at Burger King, to my first field trip. I was in first grade and I still have the pictures. I have improved my photography skills a bit since then though 🙂


Now days every one is looking for Green options. Green cars, clothes, furniture etc. So what would come next is Green garment bags! A great alternative to the plastic we always used. But it does not stop there, these are not simply garment bags but
- hanging hamper
-  streamlined duffel bag
- garment bag

The bags are made of a durable material that will not


About Central Texas Mom

My goal starting Central Texas Mom was sharing what Central Texas has to offer, with the world. Providing local moms a way to learn about new business, events and eateries in the area. And also giving my family the fun opportunities to enjoy things that we wouldn't typically have the chance to enjoy. Thank you for following us though the years on our adventures and here is to many more adventures to come.

Central Texas Mom



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