What if you could change the world just by buying a doll? You can, with Hearts For Hearts Girls™ dolls! Each doll is a girl that wants to make a difference in her life, community, and culture. When you buy a Hearts For Hearts Girls doll, a portion of the purchase price is donated to children’s causes in those countries.
It’s an undeniable fact that girls in many countries struggle against a lack of education, medical care, decent housing, and clean water and food. But when these basic needs are met, those girls achieve amazing things for themselves and their families. Sometimes, all they need is a little help.
The Hearts For Hearts Girls™ mission is to empower girls to become agents of change in their communities, their countries, and around the world. We want to change the world one heart at a time, and you can be a part of that dream!
It all starts with our dolls. Right now, there are six Hearts For Hearts Girls dolls: Lilian (Belarus), Rahel (Ethiopia), Nahji (India), Tipi (Laos), Consuelo (Mexico), and Dell (United States). Each of them has an important story to tell about life in her country, inspired by real girls who are strong, smart, courageous, and determined to rise above challenging circumstances.
When you buy a doll, Hearts For Hearts Girls donates part of the purchase price through our charitable partner, World Vision, to programs that support girls in that country. Whether it’s malaria nets in Africa, schoolbooks in Asia, or food supplies in the US, these programs help girls to thrive and succeed.
Each Hearts For Hearts Doll also comes with a special product code. Once you enter that code and create a user name on thehearts4heartsgirls.com website, you can enjoy all of our online content and activities—for free! If you don’t own a doll or don’t want to register, you can still visit and enjoy parts of our website—but you will be missing out on some of the fun.
Hearts For Hearts Girls Party
We received a generous sized box with some amazing items for our party 🙂
Passports for each girl to fill out where she is from and where she would like to go.
Hearts For Hearts Girls bracelets. When you buy a doll you will get a bracelet much like these!

Experience a girl’s life in exotic India with our Nahji doll! Like all Hearts For Hearts Girls dolls, Nahji stands 14 inches high and has a poseable, smooth vinyl body, and high-quality rooted hair for hours of doll play. Her brown eyes gleam with amber glints and her hair is a sweeping fall of rich coffee brown.
Nahji comes dressed in a tunic of bright fuschia-colored crinkle cotton, trimmed in white appliqué, and lavender leggings with deep hems of embossed gold print.
Accessories include:
- Braided purple choker with pearl-like pendant
- Drop earrings of simulated pearl and emerald
- Removable beaded pearl headband
- Golden bangle bracelets
- Hand tattoo inspired by the henna mendhi of India
- Purple strap sandals
- Doll-sized hair comb with hair elastic
- Girl-sized H4HG power bracelet
- Beautiful mini storybook about Nahji’s life
- Jeweled nose piercing
The girls love learning about all the different dolls. “Its really amazing to see how different we are form country to country and yet, we all have something in common. We are girls”. Said one lovely little girl at our party.
Hearts for Hearts Girls are very affordable at $27.99. The girls love playing with them and they had a great message. With a portion of the money going to children’s causes in those countries. I think this is a must buy for Christmas for all the little girls in your life.
Hearts 4 Hearts Girls Facebook
Disclosure / Disclaimer: No monetary compensation was obtained for this post. I received a complimentary product to facilitate this review from MommyParties and MomSelect sponsored by Hearts for Hearts Girls. The opinions expressed here are mine and may differ from yours.