I have never tried a chocolate spread before. There are several times when I was at the store that I thought about giving them a try but didn't.

When the box arrived with the Hershey's Spreads Chocolate with Hazelnut my kids were fighting each other to be the first to give it a try.

Hershey's Spreads come in several different flavors; chocolate, chocolate

Well you know how I like to talk about local places and products, so I was really excited when I was contacted by Austin's own Big Red to review their brand new line of energy water.

Big Red is America's favorite and #1 selling red soda. HYDRIVE is the new energy water line with only 30 calories per bottle and a

As a mom and wife I am always on the look for healthy options for feeding my family. With all the talk about hormones, additives, preservatives etc put in to our meat it is enough to make a person go vegan.

Well maybe not that far! lol We do love our meat. In fact we are pretty much a meat and

There are many reason we reach for gum. Need to freshen your breath? Want to keep hunger at bay? Need something sweet? Want to occupy the kids?

Want fresh breath confidence to go? The new Dentyne Split2Fit pack is designed for maximum portability. Simply split the pack into two sleeker, separate packs and drop one in your pocket, bag or wherever else you want. It

I am always open to trying something new, and Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt would qualify as something new to me and my family. We have tested Greek Yogurt before with out much sucess. Although it was the plain flavored lol. As my daughter put it, "It has not taste." Yasso on the other hand has a lot of taste.

Yasso is not only a great cold

Little Me Tea is a brand new kids’ drink – the only organic tea beverage for kids - that is now being sold at south west Whole Foods Market stores.

Little Me Tea comes in a convenient 32 ounce Tetra Pak carton in two flavors – Tropical and Grape. They call it the healthiest kids’ drink on the planet because it’s got the healthful benefits of

This was a fun review and a first for me. I will be honest, I have not had Sangria since I was in my early 20's. That is why I was excited when I was contacted to do this review. I am far from an expert, but Eppa Superfruit Sangria was a joy.

Eppa Superfruit Sangria IS Priced at only $11.99 per bottle, Eppa

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About Central Texas Mom

My goal starting Central Texas Mom was sharing what Central Texas has to offer, with the world. Providing local moms a way to learn about new business, events and eateries in the area. And also giving my family the fun opportunities to enjoy things that we wouldn't typically have the chance to enjoy. Thank you for following us though the years on our adventures and here is to many more adventures to come.

Central Texas Mom



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